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Overview of DUI Law in Georgia

Georgia DUI laws are tough and enforcement of these laws is rigorous. The standard for an unlawful blood alcohol content is .08. The standard is even lower for for those operating a commercial vehicle with a Commercial Driver's Licenses (.04). It's lower still for those under 21 years of age (.02).

If you're automobile is stopped, and if the police officer smells alcohol, he can ask you to take a battery of field sobriety tests. These can include the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test (HGN), the Walk and Turn test, the One Legged Stand Test, and the hand held breath test on a device called an Alcosensor (not a Breathalyzer).

If you perform poorly on these standardized evaluations, or if the police officer otherwise suspects impairment, you will be arrested. At the time you're placed under arrest for DUI, the officer is supposed to read the Georgia Implied Consent Notice to you. He will designated which of the three tests, including blood, breath, or urine, he wants to to take (he can designate all three if he wishes). 

The law for administrative driver's license suspension changed substantially as of July 1, 2017. You can read about the new changes at 
Administrative Drivers License Suspensions.


If you are convicted of DUI:

1)  you can go to jail for up to a year,
2)  you will have to do at least 40 hours of community service,
3)  you will have to pay a big fine,
4)  you will lose your drivers license for 1 to 5 years,
5)  you will have to attend DUI school (also called alcohol risk reduction school)
6)  you will have to pay a reinstatement fee to get your license back
7)  you will have higher insurance premiums.
8)  you might have to have an ignition interlock device placed on your car,
9)  you might have to turn in the license plates on all the vehicles you own,
10) you might have your picture published in the newspaper,
11) you might have to attend alcohol counseling.


As you can see, being arrested for Driving Under the Influence in Georgia is complicated and the potential consequences can be severe. You deserve the best DUI attorney you can find.

Our sister site is dedicated to DUI defense. It explains drunk driving charges and Georgia DUI law in great detail. Click Here to go to the home page of DUIGUY.COM, the most comprehensive Georgia DUI Defense site on the internet.

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© 2018 by Georgia Defenders.

Main: 229-228-9999
After Hours: 229-224-1492

Chris E. Ambrose

220 South Hansell Street
Thomasville, GA 31792​

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