Either you or a loved one has been arrested. Now you must deal with Georgia's criminal laws. You need a criminal attorney whose law practice is limited to criminal defense. You need a criminal lawyer with major felony trial experience and someone with a winning record.. You have found those attorneys. Remember, criminal law isn't just our business . . . it's our only business.
The most commonly charged crime in Georgia is drug possession. It's a little known fact that a felony drug conviction can cause you or your child to lose the Hope Scholarship.
DUI, suspended driver's license, Teenage Driving laws, Habitual Violator, Points. It's all covered here.
This section covers everything from Shoplifting to Armed Robbery. You can get the death penalty for one. Guess which.
Everything from regular probation to first offender probation to a special probation just for drug offenses.
Includes classic assault crimes such as simple battery. Also covers stalking and damage to property. Find out how Family Violence fits into all this.
There are four ways to post a bail bond. Two of them require a cash outlay, one requires some effort, and one only requires a signature. Oh yeah, find out how much a bail bondsman can charge.

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